$5000 to the Cancer fund, but he had to get in his last word with voicing her "lisping" to him, "you've been a nawty, nawty boy too." How can people respect the good a person might do when they reveal such a small and petty side of their nature? Some of Winchell's best friends must be homosexuals. How long are they safe from his vitriolicisms? I guess it depends on how important people they really are.
ABOUT THOSE FIRST TWO ISSUES: We announced long ago that there would be a special printing of the first two issues of ONE as soon as we had enough orders to cover the cost of negatives and plates, paper and printing, binding and mailing. The amount was set at 500. Today we have under 200 and several months have passed. There's only one thing to do. Please let us know if you'd prefer (1) your money back, (2) the cash held indefinitely until we get 500 orders because we're STILL printing it or (3) the amount applied to your subscription.
New York
Dear Sirs:
Dear Sir:
Has not E.B.S. read "Sexual Behavior in
Please forgive my impatience in writing the Human Male" by Kinsey? Better still, about the August issue. It was received this does not E.B.S. have eyes as to what goes morning. It is only because I like the magaon about him (or her)?
zine so much, and look forward to receiving Right now, in the U. S., most males do not it each month, in fact, on a particular day, consider that they "must be married to that I am disappointed if it fails to arrive enjoy sexual intercourse," moral codes and on time. Anyway, I have it, and it has been state laws to the contrary. The trend being read from cover to cover. I also note that thus in the "normal world", and with females you have not yet received enough orders following closely behind in enjoying sexual for the January and February issues to start freedom before marriage-cannot E.B.S. hear printing. I do hope orders will come in the creaking and straining of outmoded sex promptly so that the books can be printed codes, which will surely crash to meet reality and sent out. by his (or her) Utopia of 2053! May I offer these comments on ONE: I It seems preposterous to me to me to use a like the 2 column arrangement. I would like sexual behavior yardstick for present and to see more fiction. (I can spot one a Mile future generations of homosexuals which does. Away was excellent). Sometimes I think not even meet the needs and actions of most there is too much for the California reader. present day heterosexuals, much less their How about more of interest in Michigan, probable future needs.
New York, etc.? It's a wonderful publicaHowever, I do not believe that the concept tion. I wish you every success. Each number of marriage for the heterosexual family unit is anticipated with the utmost enthusiasm. will go-nor would I want to see it go. I How about that new mystery novel you agree with E.B.S. on this point at least! have just finished? Is it available? By whom was it published? Who is its author? A prompt reply will be appreciated. Lansing, Mich.
I would also be for the legalized marriage of homosexuals who desire this. And, I am one who desires this. But, E.B.S.'s naivete regarding heterosexual chastity before mar-
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